AlphaBravo Blog

SBOM Chad Serino SBOM Chad Serino

Navigating the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM): Best Practices for Categorizing Software

The Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a critical tool in software development and cybersecurity. It provides a comprehensive inventory of all components within a piece of software, including libraries, frameworks, and other dependencies. This transparency is crucial for managing vulnerabilities and enhancing security, especially in the context of embedded software.

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Chad Serino Chad Serino

Rancher and Kubernetes Management

In the world of container orchestration, Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto standard. It's a powerful system that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. However, managing Kubernetes clusters can be a complex task, and that's where Rancher comes in.

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Chad Serino Chad Serino

Welcome to ABOps.

AlphaBravo's ABOps: Revolutionizing Software Deployment & Operations Management.

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Ed Engelking Ed Engelking

Collecting Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities in Software Stacks

One of the biggest challenges AlphaBravo has observed with vulnerability tools is the inability to group like items to help engineers recognize associated vulnerabilities. This leaves out critical details for understanding the attack surface of an application, and may lead to unexpected exposure as critical components may be overlooked.

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